Found Out the Hard Way – Taxi Scam, Tipping & More! ||Lisbon, Barcelona

IMG_8831It’s been awhile since I posted due to school. Oh the bundles of joy of exam month…… But I think this will be useful to some of you as this would have been extremely nice to know for myself!

If you have been following me recently, you probably already know by now that I recently went a week trip to Lisbon and Barcelona. If you haven’t, don’t fret! You can read them about it here: FoodAdventuresMarket

As I have probably mentioned before, this was my first time in Europe hence it was a very foreign place to me. After being a first timer in Europe, we learned some important things and I hope these would be of help to you first timers as well 🙂 Continue reading

A Mountain Full of Seafood ||Barcelona

IMG_9435Honestly, entering the market was welcoming but intimidating at the same time as there were stalls after stalls; we clearly didn’t know where to start cept that our stomachs started to grumble. It was noon by the time we arrived and our first mission was to find food; it wasn’t hard as we were surrounded by food. Our first day in Barcelona, we wanted seafood and there was definitely plenty of it.

Turn to your left. Turn to your right. There were so many booths serving seafood and we had a tough time choosing but this is what we went with before our stomachs ate itself. Continue reading

A Foodie’s Heaven ||Barcelona

IMG_9200Is there a market number one in your heart? That no matter how many times you go to it, it still excites you and makes you tingly inside! According to National Geographic and other various sources (clearly did my in depth research here), the St. Lawrence Market in Toronto is listed as the best market in the world. I have been raised in Toronto for all my life and a part of me is proud that we have achieved such a title. But after experiencing this incredible place, the other side of me asks, why? I have to admit, St. Lawrence Market offers a wide range of products and is a pretty awesome place to visit in Toronto but holding the number one title is a bit too much in my book (still love you though St. Lawrence market♥).

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